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What's new?-Milzam rereleases the Nursery Days EP at C&BR
-Spanky Revolution live up the hype with Heart Bloom -The Atlantics join C&BR with their buzzing 2nd album and a re-release of their acclaimed first effort. -F.O.H. already aim to a better sound on a new EP -Forces Of Hate bring hardcore punk energy with a first EP -The Plane Bombers make their debut at C&BR -The cover art countdown selection process is on -Cookies & Biscuits Records get a major touch-up! -The Night Before offer a brand new album with Punkhead -Forever the Young teams up with everyone on a new EP |
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2009-2019 A Cookies & Biscuits production. Created and managed by Spanky Revolution, though Leoshi did some work at some point and helped me in the first days. Moo Moo's face designed by Jod.Drummer.